Common Sense Home Remedies For Swine Flu

Despite the fact that we are still enjoying the sun and the fun of summer, many are turning their attention to the upcoming flu season and the anticipation of the H1N1 flu virus. It is not too early to start to prepare, and many are starting to consider home remedies for swine flu as an alternative to conventional prevention, treatment and medication.

Using home remedies to fight and treat a variety of illnesses is nothing new, and for years people have been using home remedies, homeopathic medication and natural treatments for a variety of illnesses, including colds and flu. There is every indication that these remedies may also be effective in fighting off flu infection and speeding recovery from the flu illness. Home remedies for swine flu can be just as good a treatment as over the counter medication. Common sense hygiene and physical care can also go a long way in preventing the flu. Health care providers recommend the following in helping to prevent the spread of the disease:

Always cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your face, nose or mouth too frequently with your hands since the flu appears to be transmitted through physical contact.

Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water most viruses can be contracted by touching objects contaminated by the virus.

Though alcohol based hand sanitizers don’t routinely kill viruses they probably do offer some protection in preventing infections.

If swine flu infections have been confirmed in your area consider avoiding large public gatherings. Individuals can be contagious for several day before demonstrating any signs or symptoms of infection.

Consider wearing a respiratory mask. This barrier method does offer some basic protection against infection.

If you start feeling ill with cold or flu-like symptoms do not go to work. Stay home and begin the usual home remedies for swine flu. There are many natural treatments for preventing and treating colds and flu which are readily available in your local health food store, or which can be made at home using common from your local supermarket.

Fast acting and effective home remedies for swine flu can provide relief from the flu and may provide protection from the spread of the flu virus. You can prepare for the upcoming flu pandemic by arming yourself with appropriate flu remedies. It is possible to fight the flu and protect yourself and your family by using safe, natural home remedies. Visit Natural Cold and Flu Relief for more information about the best home remedies for fighting swine flu.